302 Providence Hwy Westwood, MA 02090 | T: 781-708-9088 | retail@dessertworks.net
OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-6pm. Sunday 9am-3pm. CLOSED: Monday |Holiday Hours

Chocolate Nothing Cake


Rich and moist gluten-free chocolate cake filled with a sweet dairy & egg free vanilla frosting. Finished with Vanilla & chocolate frosting stripes on the sides .

Available as shown  to order online with 2 days notice. If needed with less time, call the store for availability 781-708-9088.                            Product #1144

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SKU: 1144-11 Category:


You get a whole lot of something with our NOTHING cake! This cake is Gluten, dairy, egg, nut & soy free*

Rich and moist gluten-free chocolate cake filled with a sweet dairy & egg free vanilla frosting. Finished with Vanilla & chocolate frosting stripes on the sides .

*Please be aware that Dessert Works’ kitchen is not entirely gluten, dairy, egg or nut free. We take allergies very seriously, and always wash & sanitize our equipment between projects, and our staff members are trained in  allergen awareness. To avoid risks of cross- contamination, this product is made weekly, during specific times, and flash frozen to ensure availability for your celebrations.  Available as shown  to order online with 2 days notice. If needed with less time, call the store for availability 781-708-9088.

Our Nothing cake is available to customize with different sizes, decorations or gluten free (not dairy free mousse fillings), but customizations require a minimum of 7 days OR MORE, and orders must be called in or ordered in person  


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