Flavors |
Dark Chocolate Cappuccino, Red Velvet, Vanilla Cappuccino, Carrot, Boston Cream Pie, French Vanilla, Vanilla Chocolate, Classic Chocolate Mousse, Chocolate Raspberry, Confetti, Day & Night, Dolce de Leche, Lemon Citrus, Lemon Summer Berry, Ripe Red Rasperry, Strawberries & Cream, Tuxedo Torte
color detailing |
Aqua, Black, Blush Pink, bubblegum pink, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, cafe or milk chocolate brown, Champagne, Emerald green, Grey, Hot pink, Kelly green, Lavender, Leaf green (pastel), Light Sage green (pastel), Light yellow (pastel), Lilac, Matte Gold, Mint, Navy Blue, Orange, pastel blue, pastel pink, Peach (pastel), Royal blue, Sage "olive" green, Sky-Blue, Tiffany, Vibrant Purple, White
Pastel Flower Color |
Mixed Pastel Shades, Shades of Blue, Shades of Lavender, Shades of Peach, Shades of Pink, Shades of Yellow, White, blue and white, lavender and white, neutral (sand/beige), pink & lavender, pink & white, shades of green, white with gold accents and green leaves, yellow and white