302 Providence Hwy Westwood, MA 02090 | T: 781-708-9088 | retail@dessertworks.net
OPEN: Tuesday-Saturday 9am-6pm. Sunday 9am-3pm. CLOSED: Monday |Holiday Hours

Welcome Satchel
A Very Special Announcement!

We are marching on with our new staff profiles and this week we are thrilled to announce our BRAND NEW “staff member” at Dessert Works! Please welcome Satchel Leon Repa Savona, who joins us as a very junior associate. He already plays a vital role in the Dessert Works family, and we look forward to learning from his hours of experience. His “staff photo” is attached below! 

Favorite Dessert Works Item: To be determined…

In all seriousness, congratulations to Kristen and Leonardo on welcoming their second beautiful baby into their family! Mother and son are both healthy and doing well.

More about Satchel:
Born: February 23rd, two thousand and fourteen at 11:34 pm
Weight: 7lbs 5oz
Length: 19 ¾”